How Dry Brushing Can Boost Detoxification & Your Health!
If you're on social media, you've probably seen Instagrammers posting about their dry brushes. Dry brushing is a health trend that spreads with every video. But dry brushing isn't just a great excuse for pics in your cute bath robe. A dry brush can pack a whole list of beauty bene's! It could even surge our health and wellness!
This health fad isn't anything new either. It's a self care practice that goes back centuries in cultures all around the world!
Dry brushes may be a new trend, but it’s actually an ancient practice that goes back a millennia. Ancient Greeks and Romans practiced dry brushing with metal tools they used with olive oil. Rumor has it that early Native Americans developed their own dry brushing methods. Even ancient Egypt had their own skin care!
Dry brushing even became a part of old medicinal systems. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it’s done to boost circulation and slough off dead skin cells. Brushing is done with a loofah that’s either dry or drizzled with sesame oil.
The self-care practice also has roots in India. In Ayurveda, the ancient medicinal system of India, dry brushing is known as garshana.
Traditionally, garshana is done with raw silk garshana gloves, but it has also been practiced with materials like wool and cotton. In Ayurveda, this drybrushing method is reputed to increase blood flow. It’s also said to stimulate the lymphatic system.
This is actually one of my favorite things about drybrushing. Supporting the flow of the lymphatic system supports a healthy body by healthy detoxification!
What about the lymphatic system could be so important to detoxification? I’m so glad you asked! The DL on lymph could blow your mind! And blow UP your health!
The lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes, lymph vessels, lymphoid tissues and, of course, the lymph fluid that flows through it all.
Lymph. or lymph fluid, is the excess fluid released from our cells filled with bonuses like germs, cancerous cells, and white blood cells. Our lymph nodes filter wastes and toxins from lymph plus they help to fight infection and disease. The lymph vessels are the network of tubes that our lymph flows through. Finally, the lymphoid tissues are immunity warriors. They're packed with lymphocytes and macrophages that defend us from invaders and toxins.
Here's a bonus lymph tissue fact! Lymphoid tissue extends the lymph system through the spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and more. Who knew spleens and bone marrow were so cool?!

Considering all the above, it’s no surprise the lymphatic system is crazy important to our immunity. It’s also no shock that lymph plays a HUUUUUUGE role in detoxifying the body from nasty products.
This system captures harmful substances, pathogens, cancer cells, and wastes. Then it destroys them and removes them from the body. You can’t detox much more than that! Having a healthy lymph system is essential to our health!
The lymphatic system has hundreds of channel points. In fact, the average adult has 600-800 lymph nodes.
If the thought of 600+ nodes has you thinking this is WAY TOO MUCH WORK...Don't throw away your dry brush yet! You don't have to massage every lymph node to get lymph moving. There’s a hack!
There are parts of the body that are primary lymph node sites. When we work those areas we can rev up lymph circulation without a ton of time or efforts.
Dr. Perry Nickelston, aka The Lymph Doc, has developed a practice for this. Dr. Nickelston is a chiropractor who doubles as a Functional Movement Specialist and Selective Functional Movement Assessment Specialist. You guessed it! This master of movement knows how to move lymph!
Dr. Nickelston has developed a technique for boosting lymph flow that's now being used by people around the world. He calls it the “Big 6.”
Dr. Nickelston’s Big 6 technique focuses on hitting specific areas to maximize lymph drainage. By incorporating the Big 6 into our drybrushing routine we could support lymph circulation and the detoxification of microscopic nasties.
As you can guess, there are 6 areas targeted in this technique. These are areas that Dr. Perry Nickelston has identified as major lymph sites. By stimulating these areas we can increase the flow and drainage of lymph. And as more and more lymph is pumped through our nodes it will be filtered of impurities and elevate our health.
The lymph points of the Big 6:
- Collarbone
- Side of the neck
- Pectoral/Axillary
- Abdomen
- Groin crease
- Behind the knees
If you want to see the exact areas referenced above, watch Dr. Nickelston’s Big 6 tutorial. You can also see his methods for stimulating lymph by hand.
There are a number of ways you can use your dry brush. There’s small strokes, long strokes, circular strokes, slow strokes, and quick strokes. See what feels best for you. If you’re doing the Big 6 with your dry brush, you may find you prefer different strokes for different zones. For example, small and quick strokes may feel best in the collarbone zone while long or circular strokes get the abdomen just right.
When it comes to dry brushing there’s a lot of room for variety. You'll see many people advise to brush towards the heart rather than away from it as this is thought to best support circulation. So far this hasn't been explored by science.
But there is one tried-and-true rule to follow with your brush: keep pressure to medium. Brush pressure should be enough to exfoliate and not enough to break the skin. When we brush too hard or too often we can provoke over-exfoliated skin that’s dry, irritated, and more likely to break out.
If you’re new to dry brushing, it can be good to start out with gentle dry brushing just 1-2 times a week. Once your skin is adjusted to this new lifestyle change and you’re seeing consistent, quality results you can try mixing things up. Just listen to your body and give it what’s most supportive of wellness.
If you want more help with mastering your best lymph-stimulating stroke, watch a dry brushing tutorial from a Lymphedema Physical Therapist.

If you've been eating a lot of processed foods, drinking alcohol, smoking, etc. you may be more likely to have unpleasant detox symptoms. Support yourself by drinking lots of water and a good night's sleep. You can also ease detox symptoms with supplements like activated charcoal, spirulina, chlorella, beets, and green tea. They all give amaaaaazing detox support. Check out my recommendations in my Amazon store.

Now that you got the scoop on lymph, the Big 6, and dry brushing, all that’s left is to get a dry brush! I put together a list of Amazon drybrushes just for you! Order yours now so you can start this health-supporting practice stat.
Happy dry brushing!

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